Owl Class Y1 Curriculum

Owl Class Curriculum
Learning this week 
Summer Term 2024
English  - Reading - The children take part in 1-1 reading, whole class reading and guided reading sessions on a regular basis throughout the week.
Class texts - Handa's Surprise written by Eileen Browne.
Mirana the Explorer written by James Mayhew.
Writing - Writing tasks will be based around the class text. The children will be writing captions, descriptions and short narratives. 
Punctuation & Grammar - Capital letters for names, places and to start sentences. Full stops & finger spaces between words. Using 'and' to write longer sentences. Understand & use some adjectives. Recognise and use exclamation marks, question marks, singular & plural and using the prefix - un changing the meaning of words.Understand suffixes that can be added to verbs where no change is needed in the spelling of the root words [helping, helped, helper].
Spellings - weekly set spellings linked to RWI phonics. 
Poetry - Animal poems.
Read Write Inc. (RWI) phonic sessions take place daily. The children complete phonic, reading and short writing tasks during these sessions.
Handwriting - Using the correct pencil grip,forming letters correctly (cursive script) and starting letters on the line. Over the summer term the children will be learning to join some letters.
Mathematics - In Y1 we follow the White Rose scheme of work. This term the children will be learning about Fractions of objects, shapes and quantity. Telling the time - o'clock and half past. Numbers 50 - 100 and beyond - understanding place value and using addition and subtraction methods taught to add and subtract.They will also be learning about measures - capacity and volume. Towards the end of the term the children will be revisiting & revising all areas covered throughout the year.
Daily Maths Meetings - Calendar Maths, counting forwards & backwards, number bonds to 10 & 20, place value, money, time, fractions, shape and pattern.Recognising & add equal groups. Make arrays & doubles.
Make equal groups by grouping and sharing.
Topics this term
Topic -  History -  Explorers
            Geography - Our World (continents) What is it like to live in Kenya?                                                                       
Science - Seasonal changes. Animals. Understanding plants.
PSHE - Citizenship & Economic Wellbeing
RE -  Judaism.  
Music - Listen to and appraise different types of music. Seasonal & topic songs.
PE - Team games. Ball skills.
Art/DT - Observational drawing and painting. Sculpture: Paper play & 3d drawings.
Computing -  Logging on. Grouping and sorting. Pictogram (to sort) 
Year 1 Phonics screening information for parents.
Please see details below
Useful Learning Links
Geography Quality Mark 2017-20