Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
St Michael's CofE Primary School

Wrap Around Care

At St. Michael's we provide a range of after-school clubs for pupils and are partnered with Junior Adventures Group (JAG) who provide their fun-packed 'Rise and Shine' and 'Play and Stay' programmes. 

Junior Adventures Group (JAG) is the UK’s leading provider of Before and After School Programmes offering fun and affordable childcare delivered in a safe and supervised environment. Their staff are expertly trained, DBS-checked to an enhanced level, first aid qualified and experienced in and passionate about the activities they offer.
âś” Activities designed for all ages and interests
âś” Create lifelong friendships over exciting adventures beyond the classroom
âś” Delivered by a team of expertly trained professionals
✔ Weekly Children’s Meetings to put them in control of their experience
âś” Promotes fun, curiosity and mindfulness
âś” Healthy Breakfast & Nutritious After School Snack available each day

Our St Michael’s C of E Primary School’s Club page can be found below along with a parent guide and booking link which is live 24/7 so sessions can booked at any time.