Maths Games

Times Tables Rockstars
Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. The format of this website has very successfully boosted the times tables recall speed of our pupils in years 2-6 over the last year. Children in years 2-6 have an account on this website. If they have misplaced their login details, please speak to their class teacher.

Top Marks
A wide range of mathematics games covering many of the curriculum areas covered in school. These are appropriate for children from Reception up to Year 6. Change the tab at the top of the website to the appropriate age for your child. An excellent game for number fact recall from number bonds to times tables and associated facts to squared numbers is 'Hit the Button'.

A range of run maths games covering a range of topics from the National Curriculum. Children can start to use these in Reception and all of the way up to Year 6.

Fluency Challenge
Games aimed at upper KS2 covering topics such as decimal place value and converting between fractions, percentages and decimals.

BBC Bitesize KS2 - Guardians: Defenders of Mathmatica
A BBC Bitesize KS2 game consolidating methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Mini Maths
Maths website for KS2 - arithmetic practice papers and tasks covering all areas of the National Curriculum.

Oxford Owl
Excellent online materials and games for KS1 and KS2 children for Maths.