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Welcome To Our New Website!
St Michael's CofE Primary School

Who are the Governors?

The school’s governing body is constituted as below and has a strong, collaborative relationship with the schools leadership team.

Roles and Reponsilities

Chair of Governors- Sally Coneron        Clerk of Governors - Helen Miles        Safeguarding Governor- Sally Coneron

Curriculum Committee

Viktoria Bebbington (Chair)        Claire Tracy        Vanessa Cummings       Sally Coneron       

Finance & Premises Committee

Jacky Chan (Chair)        Daniel Harrison-Cox        Mehdi Nasseri

Contacting the Governors

The school governors can be contacted via the school office: office@stmichaelsce.co.uk. Please mark e-mails for the attention of the governor you wish to contact.  Alternatively, you can email the Clerk at clerk@stmichaelsce.co.uk.

If you have any concerns about the school or your child's education, these should be addressed firstly with your child's class teacher. If you are still concerned, please speak with the Head Teacher and only after that with the school governors. Issues concerning safeguarding should go to the school's designated safeguarding person/s, Mr Thompson or in his absence Mrs Klinker or Miss Tracy.

Sally Coneron


I have two daughters and a son. My two eldest are at Charters after completing their time at St Michaels. My youngest is in Year 3 so we have some time left at St. Michael's. I live locally to the school and take a keen interest in the local area. I have recently been elected as your as a Local Borough Councillor. I run a business building a brand that my Husband and I developed, you may well have seen us on Dragons Den! I love St. Michael's and feel blessed to have been able to send all of my children here. I want to give something back and be a part of the future success of our school.

Vanessa Cummings

I joined the Governing Body in 2018.  I retired in 2017, having started my career working as a Secretary in 10 Downing Street for four Prime Ministers over 17 years.  After leaving No.10 I moved in to marketing management in the retail sector before finding my home in the charitable sector wher my last role was as Chief Executive of a small charity working with children abandoned into state orphanages in Romania.  I've lived in North Ascot for 20 years.  I've been Treasurer of the Cordes Hall since 2012 and am very involved as a member of the congregation at St Michael & All Angels Church.  With my partner Jim and our dog Lenny I enjoy lots of socialising with family and friends.

Miss Claire Tracy

I started at St Michael’s in 2018 to complete my teacher training. Prior to this, I worked as a teaching assistant for 3 years after studying Biomedical Science at university. I really enjoy teaching at St Michael’s where I started my journey, and I feel that being on the governing body is a great way to give something back to a school I will always be grateful to.

Daniel Harrison-Cox

I'm married and have two young girls who both attend St Michael’s. We live in the village and I wanted to take the opportunity to provide help and support the wider community. Being involved at the school is a great way to do this. I've spent the majority of my working career in construction in some form, mainly involved in delivering new homes on large scale residential developments in and around London. I'm a chartered construction manager (MCIOB) via the Chartered Institute of Building and I'm extremely passionate about building and delivering socially sustainable communities. Currently I’m working in a role where I’m responsible for customer experience and operations for a large national house builder. As a Governor I sit on the finance committee where I also focus on Premises and Health and Safety.

Jacky Chan

I am married, with two daughters, and both of them are at St. Michael’s. As a Christian, I am pleased to be able to serve as a Foundation Governor of the school, where I can help the school uphold its Christian foundations. As a finance professional with over 12 years of experience across global investment banks and private equity firms, it is also my pleasure to be able to offer my professional skills and experience to the school on the Finance and Premises Committee. I also have prior experience sitting on the Boards of other non-profit organisations. I look forward to contributing to the local community through my role as governor.

Mr Mehdi Nasseri

I have a son in St Michaels and live in Sunninghill close to school. With an academic degree in civil engineering, I am keen to promote a STEM-based approach for building confidence and a solid foundation in math and sciences for all pupils in St Michaels. In addition, I completed my post-graduation degree in business and finance and collaborated closely with executive teams and board of directors as CFO. I aim to apply my expertise in this area to help the school management achieve higher efficiency in managing their commercial resources. I currently work as Business Development Manager in a large company that generously supports and contributes to the volunteering work of its employees in their community. This gives me the unique opportunity to dedicate the time needed to perform my governor duties to the best of my abilities. Most importantly, I am a believer in giving every child the chance to build a successful future through high-quality education and advocate for creating a level playing field for children, regardless of their background, special needs, or disabilities.

Viktoria Bebbington

I joined the Governing Body at the beginning of 2024. My son attends St Michaels and I live locally in Sunninghill with my son, husband, and our dog Bosco. I’ve worked in the media industry since I finished university (many years ago!) I’m an Executive Producer making films, learning and branded content for businesses and governments globally. I’m also part of several mentoring schemes both in my professional life and with the schools I attended. I’m passionate about supporting St Michaels. Being a Governor allows me to make a positive contribution to the school and our local community.