Owl Class Y1 Homework

  • Y1 Homework will be given out on Thursdays and should be returned by the following Wednesday.
  • Weekly spellings will be given out to learn by the Thursday of the following week.  The spelling sheet and phonic activity given to the children does not need to be returned to school but can be kept at home for practise. 
  • Weekly spellings will also be added to this page on a regular basis (see below)      
  • St Michael's School - Types and amount of homework
  • Progression is planned from Reception to Key Stage Two through the provision of appropriate activities and the increasing expectations we have of our children and the amount of homework that they are given as they move upthrough the school.


    Aim for a minimum of 4 times per week, to be recorded in your child’s reading record, signed by an adult. 

    In addition, Year 5 and 6 will be set a reading comprehension or SPAG exercise. This will be set on a Thursday and handed back in on the following Wednesday. 

    To raise the profile of reading in school and at home we are working on a whole school incentive, watch this space!  


    Weekly quiz set on Thursday to learn for the following Friday.


    MyMaths is a new online platform where all maths homework will be set and completed in Years 2-6


    KS1 Reading Eggs & Purple Mash

    KS2 Times Tables Rockstars

       Weekly Homework Y1
  Reading - please continue to read on a regular basis with your child and sign their reading record books.
Please login to the Reading Eggs programme with your child - new logins and passwords are on reading record books.
Reading Eggs has some excellent reading activities for the children to access at home. We will be using it in school too.
Spellings - See below.  

8.10.24    Y1 Brain Builder task.

In Science we have been learning about months, seasons, weather, trees, clothing and activities/events in each season.

For the first brain builder task the children can create their own seasons poster. 

This can be done however you choose.


. Create a picture showing the four seasons.       . Create a picture of a favourite season.

. Label pictures, drawings, photos.                     . Write some information.

Be creative 



Geography Quality Mark 2017-20